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Готовим хе из щуки или судака
Для приготовления блюда нам понадобиться 1 кг филе судака, которое необходимо порезать кусочками по 2 см в каждом. Лук репчатый порезать на полукольца, после чего тщательно перемешать с кусочками рыбы. Полученную массу подсолить по вкусу и поперчить, после чего следует примять получившуюся массу.
Для приготовления маринада смешивается 100 мл столового 6% уксуса с 200 мл воды, после чего заправляется 2-мя чайными ложками приправы для корейской моркови. Полученным маринадом заливается рыба, которую следует оставить на 2-3 часа в таком виде.
После настоя закуски следует отжать рыбу с луком и полить 100 мл. растительного масла. Получившееся блюдо следует поделить на порции с весом по 150 гр., при этом калорийность одной порции составит 176 Ккал, белка будет 18 гр., а жиров 11 гр. Такое блюдо можно приготовить в течение 25 – 40 минут.
Категория: Приготовление рыбы | Добавил: DiM0H (19.06.2011)
Просмотров: 9114 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 4
4 Mentor Ergo Convertible Tote   (30.05.2013 19:56) [Материал]
My New Clothes Clause ELLE
My New Clothes ClauseMarch 27 7:09 PMby ELLE 0 Comments During my time in China, I http://savebigshopping.com/ - savebigshopping.com purchased more than 2,000 DVDs. I purchased them in alleyways and http://savebigshopping.com/ - coach factory on street corners, most of the time out of someone's backpack. This isn't http://savebigshopping.com/ - coach factory outlet something I often raise with friends of mine who work in the entertainment business. Likewise, when http://savebigshopping.com/ - coach factory online in the company of my ardently anti-gun friends, I tend not to bring up weekends spent at rural VA/NY ranges where I like to load and unload my beloved Glock 19 to the point of pinky blisters. We all do the downplay dance to some degree. As Carolina Herrera pointed out in a 2008 Vanity Fair article in which she likened the use of strategic white lies to having "manners," part of being self-aware is recognizing when omitting and stretching the truth is a good thing. In short, a little self-censorship goes a long way. Some situations are a little more complicated. Case http://savebigshopping.com/ - coach factory outlet online in point: the tenuous relationship those in the fashion industry –especially those with fewer opportunities to borrow and fewer dollars to spend– have with mass-produced, designer "re-creations." The arguments for and against what range from true, inspired-by interpretations to egregious knock-offs are well-worn, and there is no need for me to try to sway the fashion purists toward the pragmatists, or vice versa. To be honest, I find credence on both sides of the story, but having just joined the industry realizing firsthand how original design truly is the livelihood on which many of these young adults are dependent, I'm now more thoughtful, and yes, a bit remorseful about much of what hangs in my closet. The $.80 copy of Bloodsport sitting in my DVD player, not so much, but the dress that looks so much like a Lim I've on occasion http://savebigshopping.com/ - coach factory outlet forgotten it wasn't a Lim? That one eats at the conscience. The fairest compromise I can come up with is a simple grandfather clause: anything bought before my arrival at ELLE, knock-off or not, may remain in rotation; any subsequent temptation, no matter how chic or inexpensive, stays on the rack. Plan B: become friends with Rihanna so you can borrow her Phillip and Nicholas (Photos: Retna) Tags:

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